Brand Voice | Copywriting Content Strategy | Book Editing

I help conscious businesses + entrepreneurs to curate an online presence and voice that feels authentic and impactful.

It’s my passion to ensure the potency of your mission is delivered in your copy, crystallising the essence of your work and your brand.

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Brand Voice • Content Strategy • Copywriting

Book Editing • Consulting

With expert experience in holistic wellbeing, spirituality + personal development, I create and refine content, web + email copy to reflect your brand's philosophy and mission.

Working closely on the development of your book, I provide structural analysis, content research + support, assisting you in honing your voice as a writer, and creating work you are truly proud of.


*'*Francesca is a heart-centered, conscious creator, skilled in asking the right questions to delve below the surface and package complex ideas in a way that is accessible and understandable.

If you're in need of someone who can weave a consistent, impactful narrative across all platforms, and values technical acumen as much as creative talent, Francesca is your ideal candidate.’ Elijah Johnston, Modern Mantra Cofounder

'Words can be like x-rays if you use them properly - they'll go through anything. You read and you're pierced.' Aldous Huxley

Recent Projects:

✏️ Content Strategist + Copywriter, KIND Matters

✏️ Book Editor, Peta Kelly

✏️ Copywriter + Podcast Producer, Modern Mantra